Education Reception
Raises $25,000
CT 01 26 18

The Teacher of the Year Award winner and nominees were
front, from left: Anthony Hinnen (Grand River Technical School), Dr. Jill Watkins (Chillicothe High School), Katherine Gibson (Garrison Preschool and Transition to Life Center), Kathy DeBoer (Chillicothe Middle School), Anne McKiddy (Dewey School and Teacher of the Year), Brandi Ellis (Field School), Will Ford (Central Elementary). The teachers are shown here with Ed Douglas (back left), president of the Chillicothe Education Foundation, and Chillicothe R-2 Superintendent Dr. Roger Barnes (far right).
Photo Courtesy / Lindy Hardin Chapman
The Chillicothe Education Foundation celebrated its annual benefit
reception Wednesday evening at the home of Ed Milbank, foundation board member, and applauded the nominees and recipients of the Teacher of the
Year Award and Beacon Award. Early estimates indicate that the event raised approximately $25,000.
At the banquet, foundation president Ed Douglas thanked those who attended and gave special recognition to Milbank for having hosted the banquet for the last 20-plus years. More than 80 people attended. Douglas also introduced the rest of the foundation board members and thanked them for their service.
He stated that the foundation's purpose is to do projects that the school is unable to do by itself.
According to Douglas, the foundation spends approximately $12,500 annually for Teacher of the Year and Beacon
awards and an estimated $6,000 for teacher mini-grants which are awarded each year. The foundation also makes funds available for teacher recruitment bonuses.
Douglas noted that the foundation purchased 60 acres north of the high school and recently gave that land to the school district; the foundation took the lead on the $4 million stadium project and gave that to the school, and took the lead role in developing a road for the new elementary school.
Although the foundation is involved in many projects, it is the Teacher of the Year and the Beacon of the Year awards that are the
foundation's signature programs. "The school district can't give performance bonuses, but we
can," he said.
During the reception, Douglas noted that the foundation was the recipient of Irvin Foundation funds on an ongoing basis.
"That will allow us to be involved in other projects," he said.
"We will have additional funds that we may be able to take an even larger role going
forward." The Teacher of the Year Award began in the 1992-93 school year and the Beacon of the Year Award was added in 2007.
Following his
remarks Wednesday evening, Douglas introduced the school superintendent and building administrators, as well as the nominees and recipients of this
year's Chillicothe R-2 Teacher of the Year and Beacon Award - all
which may be seen in the related article below.
The Chillicothe Education Foundation Board consists of Ed Douglas, president; Roger Barnes, Ed Milbank, Julie McCoy, Mike Turner, Inger Young, Lindy Chapman, Mary Staton, Trent Miller, and Bruce Brodmerkle.

The Beacon Award winner and nominees were
from left: Robin Morales (Chillicothe Middle School), Sue Bachman (Garrison Preschool and Transition to Life Center), Lisa Wilson (Chillicothe High School), Lisa BeVelle (Grand River Technical School and recipient of the Beacon of the Year Award). The staff members are shown here with Ed Douglas (back left) president of the Chillicothe Education Foundation, and Chillicothe School Superintendent Dr. Roger Barnes (right). Beacon Award nominees Richard Gibson (Field Elementary), Heidi May (Central Elementary), and Rick McCully (Dewey Elementary) were unable to attend the event.
Photo Courtesy / Lindy Hardin Chapman
Education Foundation
Awards 2017 Teacher of the Year/Beacon of the Year
by Catherine Stortz Ripley 12/10/17 C-T

C-T Photo / Catherine Stortz Ripley
Anne McKiddy (second from left)
was named the 2017 Teacher of the Year. Lisa BeVelle (third from left)
was named the 2017 Beacon of the Year Award winner. Awards were presented
by the CEF President Ed Douglas (left) and CR-2 Superintendent Dr. Roger Barnes (right).
The Chillicothe Education Foundation awarded the 2017 Teacher of the Year and Beacon of the Year awards during a
ceremony Friday at Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center. In all, the foundation presented a combined $12,400 to the award
recipients and nominees. The foundation was formed in 1992 to encourage the highest educational standards in the Chillicothe
public schools and to increase community pride in those schools, according to Ed Douglas, foundation president.
"Established to provide financial support for enrichment programs and activities where needs are determined, the foundation
receives and administers gifts and bequests which benefit education within the school
system," Douglas stated. This year marks the 26th year the Chillicothe School District has recognized excellence in the classroom by naming a Teacher of the Year. Through the support, a total of $11,500 was awarded to seven Chillicothe educators. The educators were selected by their colleagues as individuals dedicated to excellence in education, their profession, classroom and the
district's students, according to Dr. Roger Barnes, superintendent of Chillicothe R-2 Schools. Charles Epps was the first winner of the award.
Last year's recipient was Pam Miller.
Each school nominated one instructor for the Teacher of the Year Award.
Those nominations were: Katherine Gibson (Garrison Preschool and Transition to Life Center), Anne McKiddy (Dewey Elementary), Brandi Ellis (Field Elementary), Will
Ford (Central Elementary), Kathy DeBoer (middle school), Dr. Jill Watkins (high school), Anthony Hinnen (Grand River
Technical School). This year's award winner was Anne McKiddy. McKiddy teachers kindergarten and first grade Title I Reading
and Reading Recovery. She has taught 24 years, nine years with the Chillicothe R-2 School District. As this
year's Teacher of the Year, McKiddy received $1,500 cash and $1,000 for educational items. All other nominees received $500 cash and $1,000
for education supplies, equipment, or professional development. School staff members said that McKiddy works hard for the students to give them the support they need to be successful. She sends notes to classroom teachers so they can be updated on the student's progress while in the reading room. She uses her professional development through the Reading Recovery program not only to improve her teaching, but also shares valuable information with the classroom teachers to keep them up-to-date on current research.
"Anne's patience is amazing," one nominator stated.
"She doesn't let a struggling student quit and she is their biggest

Teacher of the Year nominees pictured with Ed Douglas (back left), president of the Chillicothe Education Foundation, and Dr. Roger Barnes (back right), superintendent of schools, are from left: Katherine Gibson (Garrison Preschool and Transition to Life Center), Anthony Hinnen (Grand River Technical School), Kathy DeBoer (CMS), Dr. Jill Watkins (CHS), Brandi Ellis (Field School), Will Ford (Central Elementary School), Anne McKiddy (Dewey Elementary School). C-T Photo / Catherine Stortz Ripley
Beacon of the Year Award was created in 2007 to honor the non-teaching staff throughout the district. The beacons are individuals who make the district and profession look and be its best every day, Barnes stated.
"The seven Beacon Award candidates are recognized because of their support and dedication for our district, teachers, and most importantly, our
students," Barnes stated. Gary Eide was the first recipient of the award. Last
year's recipient was Kathy Midgyett. Each school nominated one staff member for the Beacon of the Year Award. Those nominees were: Sue Bachman (Garrison and Transition to Life Center), Rick McCully (Dewey Elementary), Richard Gibson (Field Elementary), Heidi May (Central Elementary), Robin Morales (middle school), Lisa Wilson (high school), and Lisa BeVelle (Grand River Technical School). This
year's award winner was Lisa BeVelle. BeVelle has worked for the Chillicothe R-2 School District for 19 years, with all years as an administrative assistant at Grand River Technical School. As this
year's Beacon of the Year, BeVelle received $300 cash. All other nominees received $100 cash. Service pins were also awarded during
Friday's ceremony.
Beacon of the Year nominees pictured with Ed Douglas (back left) president of the Chillicothe Education
Foundation and Dr. Roger Barnes (back right), superintendent of schools, are from left: Lisa Wilson (CHS), Sue Bachman (Garrison Preschool & Transition to Life Center), Richard Gibson (Field Elementary), Heidi May (Central Elementary), Rick McCully (Dewey Elementary), Robin Morales (CMS), Lisa BeVelle
C-T Photo / Catherine Stortz Ripley
