Education Foundation
Raises $15K
Educators, support staff recognized at benefit dinner
01 26 12 CT
Photo / Drew Van Dyke
CAPTION: Chillicothe R-2 faculty and staff members were all smiles Wednesday night,
as Laurinda Davison (right) was acknowledged as the 2011 Beacon Award winner, during the Chillicothe Education Foundation dinner benefit, at the
home of Ed Milbank. Davison won the honor (sponsored by the Education Foundation) back on
December 9, 2011. Christine Jones won the 2011 Teacher of the Year award at that time, as well. Education Foundation chair Ed
Douglas estimated that Wednesday's benefit had garnered over $15,000 in
donations, and that, since the dinner's inception in 2001, they had raised
close to $165,000.
The Chillicothe community and the Chillicothe R-2 school district were
both well-represented Wednesday evening at the annual Education Foundation
benefit dinner, held at the home of Ed Milbank. Foundation chairman/president Ed Douglas welcomed the crowd, and thanked
Milbank for again opening his home to the public. The benefit has taken
place every year since 2001, Douglas said. He expects the foundation has
made approximately $165,000 in dinner donations, alone, over that span.
"We've probably averaged $15,000 or more [at these dinners, per year] for
those 11 years," Douglas said. "I think we're going to be over $15,000
[this year]."
Douglas reiterated the importance of the
foundation's causes, including (on top of the Teacher of the Year and Beacon Award
recognitions, approximately $3,000 in mini-grants, and an optional $2,500 in teacher
recruitment expenses) the backing of the new football stadium north of the
Chillicothe High School (which he stated he hoped would be done by the
fall), thanked the donors and participants in the evening, and said that
he had presented the education foundation model to multiple communities in
the surrounding area, all to great fervor.
Douglas honored the 2011 R-2 Teacher of the Year and
Beacon award candidates and winners. He read a short paragraph
about each one for the crowd on hand.

Photo / BK
Web Works
Pictured (bookended by CEF Chairman Ed Douglas and R-2 Superintendent
Dr. Roger Barnes):
Laurinda Davison (winner, CMS), Kathryn Midgyett (Central), and Marty
Rogers (CHS)
Laurinda Davison, a middle school library aide, was first presented as
the 2011 Beacon Award winner. She received $300 from the Chillicothe Education Foundation back during an assembly on
December 9, 2011. Other support staff nominated for the award were: Julie Chastain,
representing Dewey and Garrison schools; Richard Gibson, from Field School; Kathryn
Midgyett, from Central School; Marty Rogers, of the high school, and Yvonne Haslar, of Grand River Technical School. Each nominee
received $100 from the foundation. Davison, Midgyett, and Rogers were all present at
Wednesday's benefit in time for the photo. Yvonne arrived at the
reception later.

Photo / BK
Web Works
Pictured (bookended by CEF Chairman Ed Douglas and R-2 Superintendent
Dr. Roger Barnes):
Jeanne Lair (CHS), Kenny Estes (GRTS), Christine Jones (winner, CMS),
Michelle Vinson (Central),
Dan Venner (Field), and Kari Keller (Garrison/Dewey).
Christine Jones was acknowledged as the 2011 Chillicothe R-2 Teacher of
the Year. Jones is an eighth grade science teacher at Chillicothe Middle
School. Other teachers nominated for the award were: Kari Keller, representing
Garrison and Dewey schools; Dan Venner, representing Field School; Michelle Vinson, representing Central School; Jeanne Lair, representing
the high school; and Kenny Estes, of Grand River Technical School. All
were present Wednesday. Jones was awarded $1,500 on December 9. The candidates received $1,000 each
to use for classroom materials and $500 each in a cash stipend - also from
the Chillicothe Education Foundation.
In all, the foundation awarded $10,800 to local teachers and support
staff this year. They annually award $3,000 in mini-grants
across the area, and they provide the R-2 district with an option of $2,500, used
for teacher recruitment.
Jones is R-2 Teacher of the Year
12 12 11 CT
C-T Photos / Drew Van Dyke
CAPTION: Chillicothe Middle School eighth grade science teacher
Christine Jones (center) was announced as the 2011 Chillicothe R-2 School
District's Teacher of the Year during an awards ceremony held Friday,
December 9, in the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center. Jones beat out Kari Keller, Dan Venner, Michelle Vinson, Jeanne Lair,
and Kenny Estes for the award.
Middle School eighth grade science teacher Christine Jones was honored as
the 2011 Chillicothe R-2 School District's Teacher of the Year during an
awards ceremony in the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center.
As the 2011 Teacher of the Year, Jones receives $1,500 cash and $1,000
for education items to be used within the classroom - prizes financed by
the Chillicothe Education Foundation.
Other teachers nominated for the award were: Kari Keller, representing
Garrison and Dewey Schools; Dan Venner, representing Field School; Michelle Vinson, representing Central School; Jeanne Lair, representing
the high school; and Kenny Estes, of the Grand River Technical School. Those teachers received $1,000 each to use for classroom materials and
$500 each in a cash stipend - also from the Chillicothe Education Foundation.
Barnes, Christine Jones, Ed Douglas |
Jones (middle, front), is shown with the other nominees (left
to right): Michelle Vinson, Kenny Estes, Jeanne Lair, Kari
Keller, and Dan Venner. |
photos for a closer view.
C-T Photos / Drew Van Dyke |
Several members of the
district's support staff were also honored during the presentation, including Laurinda Davison, a middle
school library aide, who was named the 2011 Beacon Award
winner, and received $300 from the Chillicothe Education Foundation. Other support staff nominated for the award were: Julie Chastain,
representing Dewey and Garrison schools; Richard Gibson, from Field School; Kathryn Midgyett, from Central School; Marty Rogers, of the high
school, and Yvonne Haslar, of the Grand River Technical School. Each nominee received $100 from the foundation.
Barnes, Laurinda Davison, Ed Douglas |
Davison (middle, front) is shown with the other nominees (left
to right): Marty Rogers, Yvonne Haslar, Julie Chastain,
Richard Gibson, and Kathryn Midgyett. |
photos for a closer view.
C-T Photos / Drew Van Dyke |
Ed Douglas, chairman of the Chillicothe Education Foundation, presented
the awards to the recipients and told those gathered that the foundation
is proud to sponsor the district's Teacher of the Year and Beacon Awards
programs because they encourages excellence within the Chillicothe R-2
school system. "The mission of the Chillicothe Education Foundation is to
support local education in a way that the district would otherwise be unable to
do," he said. Through the program this year, Douglas said, the foundation was awarding
$10,800 to local teachers and support staff, as a reward for their outstanding
service to the district and its students.
The Chillicothe Education Foundation board is comprised of Ed Douglas,
president; Mike Turner, treasurer; Julie McCoy, Ad Hoc School Board Member; Ron and Roger Wolf, Co-Directors, Grand River Technical School;
Mary Staton, director; Edward P. Milbank, Director; Brenda Fellhoelter,
secretary; Dr. Bruce Brodmerkle, director; Lindy Chapman, director; Inger
Young, director; and Dr. Roger Barnes, Chillicothe R-2 Superintendent.
Barnes said that the district is very appreciative for the Education
Foundation's support. He added that the district is comprised of many outstanding teachers, administrators and staff members, whose dedication
and support of our most important individuals, the students, is recognized by both the Board of Education and by the community. And for
their commitment, he said, he is truly grateful.
Also during the presentation, Barnes presented several staff members with
pins for their years of service to the district. Those receiving pins
were: Tiffany Acree, Brad Cavanah, Billie McGraw, Bryan McKay, Traci Norris, Savannah Phillips, Lisa
Rule, Stacy Surber, Rachael Wheeler, Brooke Wolf, Delores Carpenter, Amy Hand, Roberta Hartwig, Johnnie
McLean, Melody Munson, Marty Rogers, Susan Tate and Pam Thompson, five
years; Patricia Adkison, Jayme Caughron, Vicky Duckworth, Arch Haslar, Tracy
Miller, Jane Schmidtz, Annette Shipp, Nancy Thorne, Laurinda Davison, Julie Gibson, Polly
Musselman, Connie Quigley, Debbie Shaffer, 15 years; Dianna Haynes, Debra Willard and Michael Christopher, 20 years.
Terri Figg received a plaque for 25 years of service; Mary Dusenberry
received a plaque for 30 years of service.