apply for mini-grants through a grant proposal distributed each year
by the district office. Applications are reviewed each fall by the
CEF Mini-Grant Committee. Those awarded mini grants are then able to
use those funds toward the cost of materials and items necessary to
complete each project.
CEF 'Prize
Posse' Hands Out $4,000-Plus to R-2 Teachers
October 3, 2012 (CT) Drew VanDyke

Central's fourth grade teachers (Lacey Carpenter, Ellen Gott, Bryan McKay, Lindsey Neal, Sophie Pyrtle, and Jana Shira),
received $400 for their collective project, "Boomers Helping
CAPTION: Twenty-two teachers within the Chillicothe R-2 School District were the recipients of 10 mini-grants awarded
Tuesday morning by members of the Chillicothe Education Foundation, to the tune of $4,008.01. The largest was for $500, and
the smallest was $250. The CEF annually awards approximately $4,000 to teachers within the district, for assistance in
classroom projects throughout the year.
A little over $4,000 was awarded to teachers across the Chillicothe R-2 School District on Tuesday
morning in the form of Chillicothe Education Foundation mini-grants. A small aggregate of Foundation members, consisting of President Ed Douglas, R-2 Superintendent Dr. Roger Barnes, Directors Lindy Chapman and Inger Young, Secretary Brenda Fellhoelter, and former school board liaison Julie McCoy, visited Chillicothe High School, Field School, Central Accelerated School, Garrison School, Chillicothe Middle School, and Dewey School, between the hours of 8:15 and 10 a.m., passing out moneys
totaling $4,008.01, split among 10 teachers and teacher groups within the district.
High school drama teacher Lisa Rule was the first visited by the CEF
"prize posse." She received a check worth $304.36, towards her project
"Seven Habits for All of the Teens."
At Field School, second grade teacher Heather McGraw was awarded $379.86 for mentor texts in her
class' Writer's Workshop, and a group of third grade teachers (Tiffany Acree, Katie Maples, Tracy Miller, Terria Cox, Billie McGraw, and Gracie Bonderer) were given $498.54 for
"Cha-Ching! Grocery Store Math." Music instructor Dan Venner was given $500 towards the purchase price of ukuleles for his classes.
Central's awardees included a group of fourth grade teachers (Lacey Carpenter, Ellen Gott, Bryan McKay, Lindsey Neal, Sophie Pyrtle, and Jana Shira), who received $400 for their collective project,
"Boomers Helping Bloomers." (See photo at top of page.)
Patricia Howard ($250,
"Won't You Please Read to Me") and Margie Albertson ($500,
"Breaking through Language Delays") were Garrison's pre-school and special ed./Title I winners.
Howard's mini-grant is reported to be a matched fund by the Chillicothe Rotary Club, thus accounting for the lower total amount.
"We only covered partials on some of [the grant
requests]," Fellhoelter said Wednesday. She stated that she could recall the fourth grade teachers group had requested $500 in funds, but that the Foundation only provided $400 because the remaining costs were for T-shirts.
A pair of sixth-grade teachers received the Chillicothe Middle
School's CEF mini-grants. Math teacher Tim Riekena was given $425 for use in a math competition for the sixth grade. Kaycee Kaufman (language arts) received $250.25 for her project,
"Life-Changing Writing Experience."
The final awardees of the morning came in the form of another group
- the trio of Dewey first grade teachers Kari Snyder, Andrea Marriott, and Brooke Wolf
- to the tune of $500, for their project "Writing for Life: Journalists in
The committee which selected the mini-grant winners consisted of Young, Chapman, Fellhoelter, McCoy, and new school board liaison Robin Westphal (who was unable to attend the
awards Tuesday due to her daughter's district tennis meet). Per Fellhoelter, Grand River Technical
School's Roger Wolf gets the applications out and then collects them for the CEF, in
August. The selection process took place on Thursday, Sept. 20. Thirteen applications were submitted this year, with 10
being accepted. Said Fellhoelter, the reason behind the exclusion of those three applications was
"because they [dealt with] technology or electronics, and the school thought that they could help with their
This year's mini-grant total ($4,008.01) is $7.91 more than last
year's $4,000.10. Four thousand dollars in mini-grants were awarded the two school years prior to that.
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Education Foundation awards $4,000.10
C-T September
23, 2011
The Chillicothe Education Foundation blew their horns and awarded $4,000.10 to 18 teachers within the R-2 district on Tuesday,
September 20, 2011, along with R-2 Superintendent Dr. Roger Barnes. The Education Foundation was represented by Roger Wolf, Julie McCoy, Ed Douglas, Brenda Fellhoelter, Lindy Chapman and Inger Young.
CT Photos by
Amanda McKay
Click on photos for a closer view!

Diane Holcer and Andrea Dennis, at CACE, were awarded a $500 mini grant.
Project: "The Book Nook"
$500 mini grant to CMS teachers, Shanda Wagers, Tara
O'Dell and Robyn Garrison,
for their combined project "The Outsiders: From the Page to the
Play." |

Kari Snyder and Andrea Marriott were awarded a $500 mini grant for their project at
"Writing for Life: Journalists in Action." They are pictured with
Snyder's class.

Title 1 teacher at Field Elementary, Mary Turner, was awarded $258 for her
"Do You See What I See? Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Field Elementary School teachers Heather McGraw, Tracy Miller, Gracie
Tiffany Acree and Katie Maples were awarded a $375 mini grant for their combined project
"Mentoring Through the Use of Mentor Texts".

Susan Norris received a mini grant check in the amount of $375 at Field
Project: "Character Counts"

Savannah Phillips, librarian at the R-2 elementary schools, was surprised at Field Elementary with a check for $500.
Project: "Letters Alive"

Sonja Daley, of GRTS, was awarded a $494.10 mini grant and is pictured in the back,
holding the check, with one of her classes at GRTS.
Project: "Health Science Human Model"

Melissa Englert, Wings teacher, was surprised at Dewey elementary with a $498 mini grant.
Englert is pictured with her Wings class at Dewey.
Project: "Agents of Change"
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