apply for mini-grants through a grant proposal distributed each year
by the district office. Applications are reviewed each fall by the
CEF Mini-Grant Committee. Those awarded mini grants are then able to
use those funds toward the cost of materials and items necessary to
complete each project.
Year 2019-2020 Mini-Grants
23, 2020
Last week, teachers at area schools were notified they had
won one of the Chillicothe Educational Foundation's mini-grants for the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year. Chillicothe R-II Superintendent Dan Wiebers was joined by members of Chillicothe Education Foundation as they formed a prize
posse and visited teachers at Chillicothe Middle School (CMS), Grand River Technical School (GRTS), Dewey Elementary School and Chillicothe Elementary School (CES) to notify recipients that they were mini-grant winners for the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year.
In total, the foundation awarded $3,208.51, including a donation from Mike Palmer for the Patty Palmer Memorial Grant. All recipients received a sign to hang outside their classrooms.
CES first-grade teacher Kari Snyder received a grant for $420.00 for
Smartpens for Digital Writing. Now, all first grade students in her class will have use of a digital
smart pen.
CES preschool/ pre-kindergarten teacher Kim Griffin was awarded $489.66 for her grant,
Bringing Life to the Light Sensory Table.
Shelby Ward, CES first-grade teacher, was awarded $494.24 for the grant she wrote titled
STEM Bins for Critical Thinkers.
Grand River Technical School Teacher Nancy Burch was awarded $500.45 for
Math in Motion. Burch is pictured with students, members of the Education Foundation, GRTS Assistant Director Adam Wolf, and Superintendent Dan
Several fifth-grade students at Dewey Elementary School, along with Mike Palmer, Education Foundation Board Members,
and Superintendent Dan Wiebers helped celebrate with grant recipients Sophie Chambers, Heather Davis, Angie Gott, Julienne Graupman, Carly Hibner, Kate Jones and Amy Taylor who won the Patty Palmer Memorial Grant in the amount of $335.36 for books for the continuation of their
One World, Many Stories program.
BELOW: Melanie Rucker, Education Foundation Board Members, and Superintendent Dan Wiebers are pictured with members of the
Dewey Impact: Youth Connecting with their Community Program that involves 75 of the school’s fourth and fifth-grade students. Melanie
Ricker is principal at Dewey Elementary School and was awarded a $494.75 grant to assist with funds for the
school's program.

Angie Talken /
BELOW: CMS teacher Doug French is shown with his first-hour class. French received a grant in the amount of $474.05
to purchase a second 3D printer for the Integrating Technology and 3D printing program at CMS.

Angie Talken /
Fall 2019
- First Semester
Posse Awards Mini Grants to R-2 Staff
October 23, 2019
Laura Schuler, Chillicothe R-II Schools
With colorful balloons and congratulatory posters in hand, the Chillicothe Education
Foundation's "Prize Posse" surprised several Chillicothe R-II staff members
Wednesday morning with the happy news that they had been awarded mini-grants up to
$500. Winners of the Fall mini grants are
featured below.
Carla Williams,
Preschool - "Little Hands' Learning in Action" - Students in Carla Williams preschool class at Chillicothe Elementary School cheered as they announced she had won a $498.71 grant for a program she calls
Little Hands Learning in Action. |
Kerrie Campbell and Mandy James, Early Childhood Professions
- "Infant-ly Learning Library" - GRTS Early Childhood Professions instructor Kerrie Campbell and Mandy James, Infant-Toddler Teacher, are pictured with foundation members, Wiebers, and students. They were awarded a $431.50 grant for their program called
Infant-ly Learning Library. |
Brooke Wolf, Chillicothe Elementary School,
1st Grade - "Publish Books for a Lifetime" - $499.80. |
Jaryn Schneider, Chillicothe Elementary School,
1st Grade, "Empower Learners Through Active Engagement and
Leadership" - $414.00 |

Lynette Cowherd, Dewey and Field Schools,
"Using Doodling to Enhance Communication Skills" -
$309.56 |

Andrea Beck, Sophie Chambers, Ellen
Gott, Ashley Hawkins, Libby Howe, Mindy Kincade, Amanda Williams,
"One World, Many Stories (Pt 2)" - Dewey
School, 4th Grades, $495.88 |

Rademacher, CMS, "Robotics in the STEM Classroom"
- 6th-8th,
$398 |

Holly Thompson,
CMS, "Playaways for Struggling Readers" - ELA
& Reading, $499.92 |

Ellen Duckworth, CHS,
"If they Hear it, They will Come" - Spanish/Student
Council, $494.99 |

Tammy Price and Diana Holcer, Transition to Life Center,
"North by Night *Just Tickets" - 9th-12th,
$180.00 |
"Competition for a mini-grant was tough this
year," according to Superintendent Dan Wiebers. He noted that there were a total
of 19 applications for mini-grants submitted by the September 30 deadline this fall.
Teachers and staff who submitted applications and were not selected this time around can try again in the spring when more Chillicothe Education Foundation mini-grants will be awarded.
"This is a fantastic program, and we certainly are grateful to the Chillicothe Education Foundation
for supporting our staff in this way as they find new and innovative way to teach our
students," Mr. Wiebers said.
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